Meet Bob Bell
Bob Bell came to Leadville with his family two years ago when Floyd’s was just a little CBD company with big dreams. Since then we’ve grown a lot, with Bob playing a major role in our success.
Bob started helping people enjoy exercise as a track coach in East Strasbourg, PA. He’s no slouch, and quickly got himself a masters degree and promotion, and began coaching hockey as well as track and ended up at a larger school responsible for more young people. He followed that up with another promotion and soon found himself as the Director of Wellness at a large public school in New Jersey.
Bob did what successful people do: he worked hard. He was lucky to be surrounded by good people doing good things. “I worked with some awesome colleagues.” But, there came a time when Bob needed a change. He’d read about Floyd’s new business and, being the go-getter that he is, just picked up the phone and called him. Being the nice guy that he is, Floyd picked up the phone and chatted with Bob.
A year later, Bob and his wife decided that there was no time like the present. “We decided to put our chips on the table and so I quit my job and we moved to Colorado with our two- and three-year old kids. I decided I had to try; it didn’t take a genius to see that this was going to be the future.”
It turned out CBD was the not only the future for Bob professionally, as he and his family love the Colorado lifestyle. “18 months ago, we were shipping out of my closet and using Instagram to try and get accounts.” But now, thanks to changes in regulation and Floyd’s commitment to delivering affordable and high quality CBD, Bob’s got his closet back. He’s also got himself a bike, and likes nothing more than gulping down lungfuls of that thin Leadville air charging up and down the mountains outside of town.
After spending two years in Colorado, Bob wouldn’t go back on his decision. “I’m 100% confident in Floyd’s. We possess determination and professionalism, but at the end of the day we want to help people and make good products and keep it affordable. We’re working really hard right now to do that.”
Bob couldn’t decide what his favourite product is—he uses Hydration Fuel and Recovery Protein around exercise and SoftGels almost daily—but is especially fond of Gems when they can keep them in stock.
Questions? Feedback? Let us know at [email protected].